Dot Com Mogul or Not for March 2007

So far January is my benchmark for the year. I was down by one in February, missing the $10K dollar mark. March started off a little slow, then halfway through the month, I get into a car accident. How close did I get? Let’s find out!

1. Your income must come about as a result of the money you make from the InternetThat’s a CHECK!

2. The minimum internet income level is $10,000 a month (you cannot add income from other sources to hit this $10K level) – If I count the fact that I scored myself a one week, all expenses paid trip to cover the COMPUTEX show in Taipei this June, I would have totally blown that one out of the water. But I can’t, so NO CHECK. However, now I don’t have to spent $4000 of my own money to go. They are even letting me stop in Hong Kong for two weeks so I can go hang out before returning to Canada. I guess I won this one, unofficially πŸ™‚

3.You have no jobs outside of the Internet – I’m coming up on my one year anniversary soon. I can’t believe its been that long since I retired. CHECK!

4. You have a personal blog with your name as the domain name – Hullo?CHECK THAT!

*UPDATE* 5. Your blog must be updated at least ONCE PER DAY – Last month I said that I wanted to make this once per day instead of once per week and raise the bar. Well, I’ve done it. I’ve posted once every day this month. BIG CHECK.

6. A Google search of your name must be at the #1 spot – Still Undefeated and STILL NUMBER ONE! I’m even on WikiPedia now. CHECK!

7. You must be willing to help dot com mogul wannabes – Every month, I get to help other Dot Com Mogul Wannabes, and this month was no different. Although you can Contact me, the comments are definitely what I love responding to the best. It also helps other Dot Com Mogul Wannabes fulfill their commitment to helping others by participating in the discussions. CHECK!

8. Give time, money, or anything of value to a charitable cause each month – This past month, I ran a Favourite Me for Charity contest to help capitalize on my recent Technorati Unbanning. Twenty Four people stepped up and together we checked NUMBER EIGHT off our list. So a CHECK for me and a CHECK for you twenty four.

9. Personally help at least one person establish their online presence via a blog or website or help them enhance one they already have every month – This month, I continue to help Brice and Leo. They are really having fun with their blogs and it has been a lot of fun seeing them grow their corners of the web. This month I help Kelly establish her blogging presence. She hasn’t done much with it yet, but with a little encouragement, I’m sure it’ll grow just the same. CHECK!

So for March, I missed one, but I’m solid everywhere else. With the score on the all expenses paid trip to COMPUTEX, I think I’ve done it in my own sort of way. However, with eight out of nine convincingly achieved, it’s only one hurdle that needs to be overcome now. I’ve already hit it once this year. I’m sure I can take it down a few more times for sure.