The 2014 Douglas College Marketing Practicum Students Dazzle Clients Again

Wasim from last year’s 2013 Marketing Practicum Wave at Douglas College. Photo by Allan Schroeder. For the last couple of years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with Douglas College and their Marketing Practicum students. And every year, we raise the bar just a little 

Happy New Year and Three Great Ways To Keep Business Buzzing During Slow Months

Happy New Year everyone! Sorry for not blogging as much as I’ve wanted to and I’ve resolved to change that for 2013. Things have been extremely busy for me lately as I just got back from CES 2013 in Las Vegas just over a week 

It’s Time For a New Look!

Since I’m trying to get things going again here, I figured it was time to get a new look for this site. Actually, no, that’s not exactly the reason why I decided I needed a new look… Apparently, when you don’t update your blog for 

Six Month Old Lexi Fung Shows You She’s a Hard Worker!

It’s very important to install a strong work ethic into your kids at an early age. Otherwise they’ll follow you from house to house (even if you try to lose them in the move), cling to you by tagging along for dim sum every day, 

I Was Featured on the BBC UK!

It’s always great to wake up in the morning and see that you were featured on BBC UK… It really is a great charity event and I’ll definitely look forward to next year’s event a little more. Especially if they bring back that awesome beef 

How I Won The 2011 Build Your Own PC Race for Charity

At CES 2011 this year, I did something that I didn’t expect. I actually won the Build Your Own PC Race for Charity. Despite coming in second and fourth before in 2008 and 2007, I was never really a heavy weight contender to win. Nor did I