Vlog #3 – The YouTube Creator Content Lab (Vancouver, BC)

Yesterday, I had a chance to hang with Vancouver’s elite YouTubers at the YouTube Creator Content Lab stop in Vancouver, BC Canada. Accompanied by fellow YouTuber, Michael Kwan, we braved the early morning commute to the city to learn directly from YouTube staff members on how to create the best content possible. At the training, we also ran into local YouTubers, Spandy Andy and the sassy, Josh Rimer.
The YouTube Creator Content Lab is setup to help creators that have met the minimum milestone of at least 10,000 subscriber. While events like this happen frequently in cities like Toronto and Los Angeles, both of which have permanent YouTube Studio Spaces, we hope that one day, Vancouver, which is a mecca for Hollywood and TV film production, will see the creation of its own studio space. Check out my video below for some highlights of the day…
Hope To See You At the Next YouTube Creator Content Lab
The YouTube Creator Content Lab gave me a lot of information on creating the right mix of content to keep viewers coming back. But fundamental to this mix of content was also two things: consistency and sustainability. These are two things that many YouTubers struggle with including myself. But at the end of the day, the quality of the content still reigns supreme.
I particularly enjoyed meeting other YouTubers that are also trying to figure out this online video thing. I can see why YouTube targets the 10K to 100K channels. After hearing some of the stories of what some people’s days and weeks sound like to create content, we are definitely the hardest working group.
This video was completely shot on the Google Pixel XL 128GB. Except that time lapse sequence which was shot on the GoPro Hero4 Session.