Birthday Wishes a New Distraction and Getting Edumacated

Sorry about the lack of updates. It’s been pretty…umm…busy around here. Let me fill you in…

Birthday Wishes…

First off, it’s been over two years since I started up this blog. And as I said in my very first post, it was put together to allow me to ramble on about stuff that’s important to me. I’d like to wish my blog a happy belated birthday and I hope that it will continue having them till I’m too senile to blog anymore. This year my blog will be getting a facelift. Maybe a tuck, some botox, and some bigger knockers. If someone thinks they can do a great job, please give me a shout.

Speaking of birthday wishes, Leo Chiang just celebrated his “fourth” annual 29th birthday. The funny thing is that “33” is what he does at his day job and was also one of the episodes of Battlestar Galactica where he was overfeatured quite prominently. It looks like he had a really good time. Please note the NSFW warning πŸ˜‰

Also on the January birthday wagon this month is Ed Lau. Ed thinks he’s getting old. He’s pondering getting tattoos and a motorcycle. I wonder when Leo will turn that ‘Stang into a Hog. Personally, I’m taking a different route dealing with the “old thing” this month.

Rock On!


OK, so I’ve been busy playing RockBand. I got it a few days ago and I’ve been going at it non-stop. I’m so addicted to the drums. I’ve been pounding on those things every night with the headphones on and I can’t remember having so much fun rocking out to my favourite tunes through the rock of ages. Since CES, I’ve been pre-meditating the purchase of this game. Now I’m going to need to get a projector because if playing GH3 on a Huge Ass Screen is fun, RockBand will be…twice as fun! It’s easily the best deal of any game out there right now. I mean, just look at all the stuff you get!

Getting Much More Edumacated…

This past Xmas, I gave myself a gift of some new camera hardware. A Nikon D200 and D80 made their way into my life. With all the hundreds of features contained in both cameras, I decided that taking a photography class wouldn’t be a bad idea. For the next ten thursdays, I’ll be taking a course with Vancouver Photo Workshops to improve my command of these two beasts. One of the problems with my picture taking skillz right now is that I tend to take too many pictures. You could call me a “Rapid Fire Whore” with the 5 FPS capabilities of the D200.

Processing so many pictures takes a ton of time and when I do find a good picture, I couldn’t explain to you how I got the shot. I have no real photography background so hopefully by bringing up my knowledge of the basics (White Balance, Shutter Speed, ISO) and how they work together, I’ll be able to take my photography to the next level and be more consistent in getting great shots more freqently without peeling off all my available frames. Not to mention, my D200 has no magic “Green Button” to get me out of trouble anymore.

It’s also time for me to get back to learning Mandarin. With COMPUTEX creeping up on us, I’m going to need to brush up on my language skillz.

Are any of you folks getting much more edumacated in 2008? πŸ™‚