What’s Up Stephen? – Lazy Edition

I guess it’s been a few days since I’ve given you guys a real post. Where to begin…

Thanks For Entering My Contest!

I’d like to thank everyone that participated in my contest to win an iPod nano and of course everyone’s favourite cybernetic plant, Flip Flap. I sort of let that one drag out an extra day or so, so if you entered a day or two late, don’t worry, but yes, the contest is now totally close, no refunds. Unfortuately, there was no decisive winner because everyone was trying to be Swiss. Come on! You know John would offend you in a heart beat.

I didn’t expect a lot of people to enter, which is a blessing because now I don’t have to cut out a million names to draw out of the bucket, but I actually expected a few more than this. I mean, you didn’t really have to do anything to win, just watch a video or two and weigh in. Do I have to make it more difficult? Do I have to make you sign up for some affiliate program so you can make me money? Do I have to brand the iPod with some company’s name so you can never sell it again or give it away? Or was it as simple as, I made it too easy. Very strange indeed. I would love to hear what you guys think about this.

Stay tuned for the winners. I’ll probably draw them at Dot Com (Pho/Dim Sum) this weekend. Just FYI, we’re not going to Richmond. We’re going to move it by force so hopefully we’ll see more of you there. If the turn out is good, we’ll just leave John in Richmond. Stay tuned for location details later today. We haven’t decided where.

If you want to win more stuff, I see that Michael Kwan has been cleaning out his junk as well and he wants to give it to you. He’s got a box of it and you can win it. All you have to do is make fun of John Chow. Photoshop skills may be required, though I’m sure if you did it Perez Hilton style, you might get a good chuckle or two.

Canada Day…

Well, I hope you all are well recovered from Canada’s 141st Birthday. I didn’t do anything special. In fact, I was busy cleaning out my office. All these gadgets don’t put away themselves you know. However, I did go down to Tim Hortons for a couple of apple fritters and a thermos full of coffee. While there, I discovered that they would refill my whole thermos for the price of a large coffee. My thermos is at least TWO large coffees! Nice! I just hope it isn’t a being nice on Canada Day thing as I do intend to refill again!

How’s That Scooter Treating You?

I love how I filled my Subaru Impreza up for $71.16 on July 2nd when gas hit $1.52/litre after the new Carbon Tax. I actually let the tank run close to empty just to see how much of a shock at the pump I would get and shocked I was. I don’t think I’ve ever paid that much for a tank of gas. That’s just crazy! But what I love more is how I filled up my scooter on June 29th for $5.14 and put about 60 KM’s on it, and the needle hasn’t even moved. It’s also breaking in quite nicely, starting to get a bit quicker and more responsive with every trip. It’s actually quite surprising how much zip it actually has and I’m told it gets zippier after the 600 KM break in is done. You can be sure that I’ll be scootering a whole lot more as long as gas stays silly.

Oh, and I discovered that my coffee thermos along with lunch from Timmy’s and a couple of fritters all fit no problem under the storage compartment on my Scooter. Nice! I’m actually really looking forward to modding this thing up once it finishes the break in. I’ve already replaced the horrible stock grips and ordered a few things from BattleScooter. I’m sure I’ll have a post about that once I install my goodies.

It’s Damn Hot!

Although it is substantially cooler today, the last few days had been unbearable. It would get so hot, that my office would get up to 34C degrees and hover around 30C at night. Not to mention, the hot temperatures made product testing a nightmare because stuff would keep crashing if you pushed it too far. I went out and bought a 9000 BTU portable Air Conditioner. At full blast, it has managed to keep the temperature at a more reasonable 25C. For extra laziness, it comes with a remote control. Nice! That was pretty much the only time I drove my car besides getting gas because I wasn’t strapping that thing to my back and hopping on my scooter with it.

So that’s what I’ve been up to. Do you have a post that tells me what you’ve been up to posted today? Leave me a link in the comments so I have bathroom reading. I cancelled my newspaper so you’ll be the next best thing 😉