So You Want To Be A Spartan…

The actors that played the Spartans in the movie “300” endured great physical pain and discomfort to sculpt bodies that are more chiselled than a sculpture. This workout represents the sort of pain that one would need to endure to achieve those results. Watching this video makes me want to lose my cookies…

Though I am following the path of CrossFit, it would be quite the feat to be able to make it through this whole workout by the end of Summer. Looks like my Spartan dream of kicking people in the chest will take a little longer than I’ve anticipated. At least I’m finally getting healthy again. I hate being sick. I haven’t worked out in almost a week and a half so today’s workout is going to really hurt ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

If I don’t post tomorrow, it probably means that I can’t move ๐Ÿ˜›