The NEW Futurelooks ONE Server is Installed…

Tonight, we retired the old Futurelooks ONE Server: A Dual XEON 2.8 GHz server with 2 GB of RAM and 2 SATA hard drives. This server has housed Futurelooks, Laptop Lifestyle, plus at least three other sites for the last year including blogs and the Futurelooks Ad Server. We thank you for her service. She will now continue to serve three smaller sites, this blog, and the mail, until we get our offsite backup and mail server setup. Then it will be just the three smaller sites, this blog and the ad server. This will also allow the smaller sites to grow since Futurelooks will no longer be crowding them out of resources. This server will now be designated Futurelooks TWO.

The New Futurelooks ONE will be housed in our new DELL 1850 with 3.0 GHz XEON CPU’s, 2 GB of RAM, and 2 x 10,000 RPM SCSI drives. Futurelooks will have all this to grow with as we roll out our plans to make the site bigger and better. Lots of exciting stuff will be happening including a new redesign of our forums, giving it a better community feel, and a new redesign of our main site to highlight our content better and give readers a better viewing experience. We’re hoping to have this work completed before Q4, but I guess we’ll see when we get there.

Our shared database server is housed in another DELL 1850 server and will continue to service us until it gets overloaded. At that time, we’ll probably just grab another server and keep trucking along. Apparently that won’t happen for quite some time since the server is handling things well still.

We expect all the bugs and changes to be worked out in the next couple weeks on the hardware. I would love to hear your thoughts about what we could improve on in the Suggestion Area of the Futurelooks Forums. We’ll do our best to work some of the best ones in during this redesign.