Dot Com Mogul Checklist for February
Time for another exciting episode of DOT COM MOGUL Checklist! After coming off January’s Dot Com Mogul Status, it was going to be tough to repeat in February, especially dealing with a short month, and no huge direct ad sales. How close did I get? Let’s find out!
1. Your income must come about as a result of the money you make from the Internet – Not a problem. In fact, all my income comes as a result of the Internet so I should make this every month. CHECK!
2. The minimum internet income level is $10,000 a month (you cannot add income from other sources to hit this $10K level) – Unfortunately, with a short month, and no good direct sales, I have to say close but NO CHECK 🙁
3.You have no jobs outside of the Internet – Well, still totally unemployed, so that’s a definite CHECK!
4. You have a personal blog with your name as the domain name – Yup, it’s still mine! So CHECK THAT!
5. Your blog must be updated at least once per week – I try to stick to one a day, so that’s definitely a CHECK. I think we might have to change this to once a day though 😉
6. A Google search of your name must be at the #1 spot – I am definitely undefeated and STILL NUMBER ONE! CHECK!
7. You must be willing to help dot com mogul wannabes – Absolutely! Contact me, make lots of comments. I’m around. CHECK!
8. Give time, money, or anything of value to a charitable cause each month – This month I encouraged Leo Chiang to participate in Dot Com Mogulness. I matched him dollar for dollar a donation to his favourite charity, which, conincidentally, was one of my favourite charities too: The BC Children’s Hospital Foundation So CHECK for me and CHECK for Leo!
9. Personally help at least one person establish their online presence via a blog or website or help them enhance one they already have every month – This month, I really had to make up for missing Number Two, so I turned up the heat on number nine and helped TWO people! For February, I set up a new blog for Futurelooks’ Silent Lieutenant, Brice Wong. He’s still peeling the shrink wrap off so give him some time to get going. I also met up with Leo Chiang to personally help him out with enhancing his blog and even got him started on earning some dollars through ReviewMyPost (aff). Seeing how much fun Brice and Leo have been having blogging really makes me proud. CHECK!
Although I didn’t hit the big 10K USD for Number Two, I hit everything else, and really hit number nine hard. February was personally very fulfilling and I really enjoyed helping two new bloggers build their blogs and find their voice.
Although I had to come back down to Dot Com Wannabe Status, I still think I accomplished a lot. Thanks for a great month everyone! 🙂