Affiliating with Affiliate Marketers

Last evening I had the opportunity to head out to the 2007 Affiliate Networking Dinner here in Vancouver. It was a great opportunity to expose Futurelooks low key half, Brice Wong, to different revenue opportunities online. We don’t get a chance to go to a lot of these types of events together, so it was definitely nice to get out there and tell people about what we do at Futurelooks together.

The Affiliate Networking Dinner is the brainchild of Ian Lee (pictured above), the founder of the Affiliate Marketing Alliance. This is the 4th year of this event and it has grown into the largest gathering of Affiliate Marketers in North America. This event attracted affiliate marketers from all over the world…even as far as Thailand!

One of the highlights of the event was the food, and I gotta tell you, Affiliate Marketers like to eat, especially the Red Wine Braised Beef Shortrib they stripped that clean. The Chicken Breast “Cacciatore” wasn’t bad for a buffet, but it’s definitely no WEST or LUMIERE. I’d say it was just a VERY tiny bit below C Restaurant.
Free Stuff

An Affiliate Marketing Event wouldn’t be a marketing event without marketing propaganda. The envelope above included materials from the event sponsors which included Millnic Media, One Network Direct, AMWSO, NeverBlueAds, Tourism Vancouver, BackBone Magazine, and IIMA.

In order to measure your success, Western Union was handing out tape measures. Get it? Tape Measure? Measure Success? Yeah…

To the dismay of everyone there, the root of all evil, John Chow, won the Microsoft ZUNE given out by Millnic Media. I think the room just stopped silent for a second. In spite of the bad news, everyone there had a great time. You can find more photos from the event right here.