Rewarding Stupid Drivers…

So I was coming home last night and got pulled over.  I was pretty dead tired since my allergies have been bugging me every night, so I didn’t get a good nights sleep the night before, and I look and felt like crap.  Not to mention, my patience was a bit thin.

I was stopped at a redlight behind a blue Dodge Caravan.  As the light turned green, no one was going.  Finally, after 5 seconds, buddy goes, but is doing about 15 KM/h…in the left lane.  No traffic on the right, so he could move.  Nope.  Snails pace for about 15 seconds or so.  I’m pretty tired, so I didn’t notice the cop behind me, and my patience was pretty thin, so I go around on the right, and back to the left, apparently a little too abruptly.  Buddy gets the message, and moves right, but on the left, there was this car coming up pretty quick, so I move over for him so he could pass.  Oops… It was a cop car.

I stop at the next light.  The cop pulls up beside me.  I think I’m OK, so I keep going after the light turns green.  Sirens go on.  I move over and stop.

Cop is running my plates, then he gets out and comes over…

Cop: “A little road rage there huh?”

Me: “Sorry officer.  Pretty tired.  Long night.”

Cop: “Well, I’m not giving you a ticket, but I thought I should stop you so you could calm down.  Not everyone knows how to drive like you.  License and registration please.

…or something like that.  I looked like crap, so he had to believe me.  Anyway, he pretty much acknowledge that buddy was being a moron and couldn’t drive, however, he pulled me over because buddy was driving enough like a moron to make me mad.  Since he was back there too, he was probably feeling the same thing as me, he just didn’t do anything about it since he’s supposed to set an example.

So buddy got away, and I get to calm down.  In a perfect world, buddy would have gotten a ticket for obstructing traffic and driving too slow in the wrong lane, and I’d just be pointing it out.  But of course, the world is flawed, and so are some drivers.