Google Flakiness…

If you use the Google search function to power the search on your site, you may have noticed that over the last couple days, it might have been stripping all the Adsense ads out of your pages when you click on one of the results of the search. The pages would pause and seem like they would not load. Then all of a sudden, the page would come up…minus the ads. This might explain why my usual bit of search revenue has been non existant over the last couple of days. Very strange.

This wasn’t actually isolated to just Futurelooks. Laptop Lifestyle experiened a slightly different situation where pages would load without the google ads present. Refreshing the page a couple of times would bring the ads back up, but that’s just silly. Coincidentally, this blog seemed unaffected. Very strange indeed.

If someone has some light to shed on this, I’d be interested in finding out your thoughts on what happened. As we all know, missing Google ads don’t make any money that’s for sure!